Recent questions in Paratext

Notice: Undefined index: category in /var/www/html/qa-include/qa-base.php(720) : eval()'d code on line 39
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
3 answers
Paratext Oct 11, 2022 asked by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
+1 vote
1 answer
Paratext Oct 11, 2022 asked by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
+1 vote
4 answers
Paratext Oct 11, 2022 asked by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
0 votes
4 answers
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Oct 3, 2022 asked by anon175865 (192 points)
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
4 answers
0 votes
5 answers
+1 vote
1 answer
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
3 answers
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Sep 19, 2022 asked by Iver Larsen (869 points)
0 votes
3 answers
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And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Colossians 3:14
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