0 votes

Can anyone shed light on why I’m getting “Character style not closed: \qt” for this:
\v 26 †Mi murie mai, ba kara berengia \qt na Daena na Tinoni ke oli thivo i te na parako i teghea\qt* (\rq Daniel 7:13\rq*) kolui na ngete ma na rerenge sule a God.
There is a \qt* at the end of the quote, but for some reason it’s not being recognised. Many other instances of this are accepted…

Paratext by (620 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer


The issue is that after the \qt opens, there is a footnote. The \qt must be closed before the footnote and then reopened. after the footnote.

by (8.5k points)

<sigh> I’m sorry to have taken so much of people’s time and energy with something like this… I feel bad, but I’m very grateful for your help, anon848905.

0 votes

A first guess would be that this is a stylesheet problem.

By any chance is it working correctly in regular Bible books, and incorrectly in extra books like INT or GLO? (or vice versa?)

by (1.8k points)

Thanks for chiming in mnjames!
This is the only instance that’s not working correctly. As I mentioned, many other instances laid out just like this are accepted. I’ve tried adding / removing spaces, but nothing has helped. I’d be happy to leave it alone, but I don’t think the new ‘project planning / progress reporting’ machinery would allow that… ‘Issues’ need to be resolved before one can move forward.

0 votes

It’s probably best to send in a problem report (Help > Give feedback) so we can take a closer look what is going on in that specific place.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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