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I just tried to do my end of the day send/receive. I got an error notice that I might have been removed from one of the projects and to contact the administrator, but it didn’t say which project. Oddly none of the 16 projects that I was trying to send/receive went through. I tried to send/receive again. Again, it looked like it tried, but nothing was sent/received. Anyone else having problems?

Paratext by (169 points)

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Well, it works to send/receive one project at a time. That might take some time if I have to do send/receive for each project.

by (169 points)

Ok, by going project by project, I was able to find the one that I am no longer on. Shouldn’t this just disappear from my send/receive menu? Also, I normally get a ton of emails from the Paratext Registry about when I am removed or my role changes. Why didn’t that happen here?

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