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What’s the easiest/best way to delete projects that show up when I go to do a Send/Receive? I have many that I was added to as an observer/consultant a long time ago, but since I’ve not been active on those projects, there’s no need for them to keep showing up on the S/R list.

Paratext by (216 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
  1. When you delete a project, there is a box you can check to remove yourself from the project.
  2. When you bring up the send/receive project list, you can Alt-click a project which disactivates it in your Paratext. Disactivated projects do not show up in the send/receive list, unless you click the “inactive” link. You can reactivate a project by going to the inactive list and Alt-clicking the project name again.
by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Thank you! I had deleted the ones I could from my PC, but I didn’t know about the Alt-click trick for the others.

These are two different solutions, not steps to a single solution. If you never expect to interact with the project again, pick solution 1. If you think you might work with them again, pick solution 2.


Understood. My problem was that I didn’t know how to get rid of the projects that were showing up in S/R even though they weren’t stored on my laptop (and thus undeletable).

If you want to clean up properly, you can do download the project again, then use solution 1 (delete the project and tick “remove me from this project”)

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