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Despite having the default Arial font selected in my Language Settings, that is not the font being used in my Glossary book. I won’t really care except whatever font is being used in the glossary currently does not differentiate between lowercase L and uppercase i

Paratext by (111 points)

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I’m confused by your statement that your selected font is not being use in the Glossary. The only way that this might happen is if you are using either a custom.sty or frtbak.sty flie that changes the font. This would happen if the style sheet contains a line like this to specify a different font:
\Fontname Courier New

However, your last comment about capital I (i) and lowercase l (L) is the result of using the Arial font since that font does not distinguish visually between these two characters. To better distinguish the characters you should use a serif font like Charis. When you are in the language settings there is a place to type an example text. You can test different fonts by typing these two characters side by side in the example area.

by (8.5k points)

Hey anon848905,
Thanks for your thoughts. So it is interesting because for both of the issues I am having you mentioned that a custom.sty or frtbak.sty might be causing the problem. I don’t know what a custom.sty or frtbak.sty is and I don’t remember ever adding one. But I’ve been away from our project for several years and am just getting back to it now, so it’s possible that we have a custom.sty or frtbak.sty and I have forgotten. How do I check to see if we have one of those?

So i looked around in My Paratext 9 folders and found a custom.sty in my project but looking at what was in it, it doesn’t seem to like it would be causing the issues I’m having.
Here is what was in it:

Custom style file created by the upgrade to Paratext 8.0. It is based upon

the original style files used by your project.

These files have been removed, but a backup of the files has been saved to

usfm.sty.bak and custom.sty.bak.

\Marker toc1
\OccursUnder h h1 h2 h3

\Marker toc2
\OccursUnder h h1 h2 h3

\Marker toc3
\OccursUnder h h1 h2 h3

I also found another custom.sty file outside of my project folder but still in the Paratext 9 folder. But it only pertained to the colors of the markers See the two screenshots:

I found several other .sty docs (see screen shot) in the same location, but none of them seem to be likely to be causing the issues.

Regarding the Arial font, despite having Arial selected as the font for the project, it was showing the capital i and lowercase L as different in the sample text area and also in the non-glossary books. It was only showing them as the same in the glossary. So i selected another font and applied that to the project and that worked in all the books including the glossary. I then went back and selected Arial again and it show correctly in all the books. So it must have been some sort of fluke/glitch in the matrix going on. Either way, that issue is fixed. its is just the matching markers not showing up that is still an issue. I’ll continue this conversation in that feed.

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