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Is there a way to tell Paratext to ignore a ‘Verse missing’, such as Mrk. 15:28? Advice appreciated!

Paratext by (620 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Short answer: create a text file custom.vrs in your project folder and insert lines like

-MRK 15:28

For in depth information search for custom versification in the Paratext help.

by (840 points)

Thank you, anon719148.

0 votes

You could also read the inbuilt help on this subject “How do I deny errors in the Results list?”

With this feature you can get rid of the “verse missing” as requested. And you do not need to use a custom file.

Personally I do not mind custom files and hacks, where it really benefits a project. But experience shows that you will create a lot of work for the future, if you do custom stuff: You have to document it and explain it to new team members or consultants, typesetters etc.

A denied error from running checks will normally show up as the same error message, like before, but with a strike-through. So hopefully this needs less explaining, as it visually shows that somebody on the team has struck this message.

I believe if you have a lot of such denied errors and they annoy, you have an option to hide them all (which might get somebody confused later, who does not know about the feature).

by (855 points)

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