Hi james_post,
Thanks for the reply.
After I posted my question, I found this on the PTX Supporter Site.
Our user tried it, and it seemed to work. Hopefully, they won’t disappear again.
Iver, there is an issue with images over a certain size in the Handbook. You may be able to see these with the following procedure:
> Go to the introduction to Genesis in the Handbook. Find section 1A-1. How God Created All Things.
> In the third paragraph, there is a link to a table. Click “See table”. My Paratext displayed a message “extracting images” and a minute or so later, the table will appear. Now try the images in Ezk 42 and see if they now appear.
> This is a mysterious method, and suggestions to make it simpler have been sent to the developers. (Developers, see RES-0134 and PTXS-23484).