0 votes

Is it possible to change the default note flag? Right now the orange flag is default. But I’m currently making exegetical notes and it would be great if I could set that flag to default so that I don’t have to remember to switch the flag for every note. Thanks.

Paratext by (155 points)

4 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

This suggestion: “allow users to change the default notes tag” as needed is a very, very good enhancement request.

This would be helpful to us and many others too. The order of the notes listed in the drop-down need not change, just allow us to specify which note we are currently focusing on, because the notes we are currently focusing on/creating will change depending on the current state of the book/text. So “to do” is first level notes (draft, team revisions, etc.) but then we use a “Recheck this” note (we use the red circle arrows) for when the facilitator begins reviewing the team’s drafts and finds stuff that needs further inspection. This allows use to see where the team has “to do” notes still in the text, and where there are “Recheck this” notes.

This kind of progression goes on throughout the stages.

So, again, it would be helpful to allow the end-user to say “okay, I’m working on ‘recheck this’ notes now.” So every note they make from that point will be one of those kind, and she doesn’t have to use the dropdown every single time she creates a new note.

by (365 points)
0 votes

I don’t think you can change the order of the note flags, so the default will always be the first one, To Do.

When you start a new project, you could change the tag and the type name for the first one to be what you would want for a default, and then add other tags and types. But if you do this on an existing project, all the existing notes now tagged as “To Do” will acquire the new tag and title you add as the new default, which likely is not what you would like to happen.

If you did not have that many notes already in the project, you could go ahead and edit “To Do” to be your new default flag type, and change the flag, then add “To Do” as another type. All your existing notes that were “To Do” will now have the new tag. You could now retag them with the new “To Do” tag and from then on continue writing notes, using either the new default, or changing the default to “To Do’” or whatever other tags you choose to add.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)


Yeah. That makes sense and is what I expected, considering the tag settings are project-wide. Thanks.

0 votes

This was my thought as well. It could be very helpful. I’ve made the suggestion via the in-app process. Perhaps if others do also, they will act on it sooner rather than later (or never)!

by (155 points)
0 votes

I give my +1.

There are days when I focus just on biblical key terms. And we have a custom note-marker for those. But for each note I have to select it. So a configurable default-marker would be muchly helpful.


by (855 points)

This is an issue that is being worked on. The likely solution will be for Paratext to remember the last tag use used and offer that one first.

For our typical use cases that would help indeed.

And it would be a semi-automatic assistance to the user without the need for more formal settings. Greetings to the team.

This sounds quite ideal. Glad to hear this. Thank you!

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