Recent questions in Paratext

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0 votes
5 answers
Paratext Mar 13, 2018 asked by BEH (418 points)
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4 answers
Paratext Mar 12, 2018 asked by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
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7 answers
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4 answers
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3 answers
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1 answer
Paratext Mar 7, 2018 asked by n8_in_car (282 points)
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1 answer
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3 answers
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4 answers
Paratext Feb 27, 2018 asked by anon895417 (129 points)
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1 answer
Paratext Feb 27, 2018 asked by Iska (158 points)
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2 answers
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1 answer
0 votes
5 answers
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3 answers
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1 answer
0 votes
2 answers
Paratext Feb 26, 2018 asked by anon417544 (117 points)
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
0 answers
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But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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