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I am trying to use the Match Based on Stems tool in my project, but it does not seem to be working. I have “Match based on stems” checked in Project Properties and Settings. You can see from the screenshot that I have identified the morphology for the name “Ham” (the city) in the interlinear, and that in this verse it has a determiner on it. In the Renderings tool, I have listed only the stem “Ham.” It is my understanding that this should be approved because “Ham” is in the morphology. However, you can see that it is not approved, nor are any of the other city names in the verse because they all have determiners.
If I uncheck “Match based on stems,” all of these will be approved because the determiner is listed in my list of affixes. So, that method works. However, I would prefer to use match based on stems, as it should be more accurate, and I have to make an interlinear for the consultant anyway, so there is really no more work involved. Can anyone help me get this to work?