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The notes feature in Paratext is an incredible resource! There’s one thing though I haven’t quite figured out. It seems that assigning notes in a project does not make them private notes, but rather the notes are all still viewable by the entire team. Is there a way to change that? Besides wanting to use the notes feature for more personal discussions, I see a great value in making my own notes (assign them to myself) on a particular project. These are specific to that project so a Consultant Note would not be ideal.

If there’s no way to change this, then I think the best solution is to create a separate Consultant Note Project for every individual project that I work on. Is that what others have done? Thanks for any advice!

Paratext by (161 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

No, there is no such thing as a “private” note in Paratext, sorry.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thanks for confirming that. I guess I need to set up a Consultant Note Projects for each of my individual projects then. I just wish I could view consultant notes by hovering over the marker like you can with regular notes. (hint, hint to Paratext developers!)

For what it is worth: for my notes to self, I create a “private” (unshared and unregistered) Project, called something like “XYZproject-anon653292’s Notes”. It does not contain text (except when I copy a phrase from the actual translation project) only my comments and questions. This has worked great for me since Paratext 6.

But this has been requested for several years now. Also related to it, the ability to show/hide notes in the display. This capability already exists in PT where we can show/hide consultant notes. PT8 could use the same idea to only show assigned notes for a particular user, as well as general unassigned notes. Notes assigned to someone else would by default not display. But if the user clicks to show all notes, he’d see them all, and if he clicks hide them all, he wouldn’t be bothered by any of them. (I’ve heard a simplified version of this hide notes feature might be coming, but the notes must be rehidden each time PT opens, so people won’t freak out as to why they can’t see notes anymore.) I hope the ability to show and hide notes is expanded in future versions of PT.

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anon653292, thanks for the idea, I hadn’t thought of that option. It still would require having a second window open to view your notes and wouldn’t be as specific to the target text as a Consultant Note (since you can make notes on a keyword), but you can just copy and past it in. It would also allow you to open your notes in a parallel text resource collection, which is an appealing option. I’ll have to think about which way is best. Thanks for the input!

by (161 points)
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