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A user trying to send/receive gets the following error: Registry Server Error
This user is on a university campus with exactly the same network settings as his colleague who is able to send/receive.
The IT-person disabled his virus protection and checked the firewall but with no positive result.
It is quite urgent for him to get PT8 going as he is attending a workshop next week. The operating system is Windows 7.
Please help!

Paratext by (126 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Please have them use Help > Report a problem inside Paratext right after they see the issue. That should give us some needed information to help them.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Dear anon291708

The IT-person at the university reported the problem (like you suggest) on the 6th of July but had no reponse from Paratext support.



I did a search of the reported problems on July 6th and don’t find any that match your problem - maybe the report failed and was saved to the desktop as a p8pr file.

If a file like that is found, they can email the file to [Email Removed]

If the file isn’t found, have them try again.


Paratext Support

Thanks John+Wickberg, I forwarded your message to the relevant person.

0 votes

Was this yesterday morning (US time?) The registry server was not responding for a while around 10 AM eastern time, but it was restarted and has been working fine since.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

Dear sewhite

No, I’m afraid it was yesterday (17th) at about 11:00 (SA time). But this is a problem we are struggling with for more than a week. Send/receive never worked on his computer since Paratext 8 was installed.



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