+1 vote

We are using HEB/GRK, and since 2 days, the English explanation of the highlighted word underneath is written from right to left, as well as the order of the Hebrew parts is reversed.
This make it tedious to read this explanation. How can I fix this issue?

Paratext by (175 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

There is likely a better answer, but what I usually do is simply close that Source Language Tools window and open it again, which has always fixed the problem for me.

by (194 points)

Thanks. I got it solved in the meantime by going to the Saved Windows Combination, which is a similar effort. However, it would be interesting to know why such things happen all of a sudden.

I’ve seen this happen quite a few times.

0 votes

This has been reported by several users, but mysteriously seems to appear then vanish again. Those of us on the support and testing team have seen it happen ourselves but never reliably enough that we can submit it to the developers.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

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