+1 vote

It looks as if notes in a project are not saved along with the rest of the project history, so that when you revert to an earlier point in the project history, the notes you had at that point in history, are not restored. Although it is possible to get back some older notes by deleting Notes_.xml and renaming Notes_.xml.BAK to Notes_.xml, it seems to me that it would be better to be able to restore notes along with the rest of the project history. Is there any reason why that is not possible?

Paratext by (346 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

The only thing we allow you to restore is the scripture text. This is mainly because we don’t have any UI for you to compare other files so that you can know which version you would want to restore. For most of our non-scripture files, everything is stored as XML which means we’d either have to create a generic XML diff engine or create a special diff engine for each type of file (e.g. show notes added/deleted when compared to a different history revision).

You can contact us and we can revert the needed file(s) for you.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

When looking at project history, it’s not obvious where notes were added. The project history tool only says that someone left notes somewhere. Am I missing something? It would be very useful to know where people have left notes so that other users do not have to go searching for where the new notes are.

by (443 points)

The Paratext history will tell you who made the notes and when. You can use the notes viewer to filter the notes by person, and date (any action).

Yes, the project history tool does show me who made the notes and when, but not where.

If you open a project’s notes, filter notes by “unresolved, all books, all users” and sort by date can you see them in a list with most recent on top? I think I’m seeing what you are asking for.

Thanks! Opening a project’s notes and sorting by date does help.

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