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A project I’m working with has extensive footnotes including Greek, Hebrew, Arabic and English words inside of them. each of these languages is set off with unique format markers (\zgrk, \zheb, \zarab, \zeng).

I would like to exclude words in these languages from a number of built in checks in Paratext. Most notably the Word List and the Character Inventory.

Does anyone know how to do this? Is it possible to exclude footnotes from these sorts of checks?

Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, the only thing that will keep them from being checked is if they are marked as non-publishable in the stylesheet (i.e. have the nonpublishable value in the TextProperties section). However, that will, of course, make it not show up in other places like Print Draft when you want it to be published.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Maybe you can answer this question before I have time to experiment with it.

If I set it as non-publishable in the custom.sty sheet (so affecting Paratext) and then back to publishable in the PrintDraft-mods.sty sheet, will that make checks and printing both work?

[Edit] The answer is that this appears to work correctly. The word list and character inventory no longer have the other languages in them, and PrintDraft continues to work. Does anyone see any problems with this system that would prevent me from making it permanent?

The only thing I can think of is that the PrintDraft-mods.sty file is not read in during normal publishing processes so you will need to make sure that the stylesheet is correct at that time.

Thank you very much. Such a simple solution makes me wish I had asked years ago. :slight_smile:

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