Recent questions in Paratext

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0 votes
2 answers
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1 answer
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1 answer
Paratext Feb 20, 2018 asked by jeffh (1.3k points)
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9 answers
0 votes
3 answers
Paratext Feb 15, 2018 asked by wdavidhj (1.4k points)
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
2 answers
Paratext Feb 13, 2018 asked by benVar (229 points)
0 votes
2 answers
Paratext Feb 13, 2018 asked by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
0 votes
7 answers
Paratext Feb 13, 2018 asked by Mark P (2.5k points)
0 votes
6 answers
0 votes
1 answer
+1 vote
2 answers
0 votes
0 answers
Paratext Feb 12, 2018 asked by anon059953 (238 points)
0 votes
0 answers
0 votes
2 answers
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They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42
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