0 votes

A project in Paratext 8 had a mixture of á composed and decomposed. We did a search and replace to change all composed á to decomposed á. There are now no more composed á in the character inventory, but Paratext is still proposing changes to the composed version, when using “Apply correction,” under “Spell Check Current Book.”

Is there a way to reset Paratext’s spelling suggestions?

We’ve already tried reinitializing Paratext and uninstalling and reinstalling.

Paratext by (412 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Yes, unfortunately we made a bad decision in 7.6 and didn’t realize it (or how bad it really was) until users started migrating to 8.0 (because we didn’t have nearly as many users of 7.6 as we had for 7.5 or 8.0).
However, fixing the problem is very complicated because of the fact that many users will still be old versions of Paratext that will still have the problem. We are still discussing it internally, but fixing the issue may require everyone on a project to update to the newest version of Paratext at the same time (which we generally try to avoid) to ensure that that data is not messed up again after it’s fixed. :neutral_face:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

In retrospect, it would presumably have been good to have done the following: once it was reasonably clear that 7.6 was stable, to have sent out an announcement strongly advising people to move to 7.6.

That way you would have had a larger userbase from which to get feedback on the changes made.

Personally, I soon found 7.6 to be super-reliable, and moved our projects to it at that point.

0 votes

I found the following discussion where the proposed solution is to convert the project. =(

by (412 points)

drwww, I wrote that note. If you’re interested in discussing this solution more, I suggest you contact me on Skype, my Skype name is anon758749. My name is anon758749.

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