Recent questions in Paratext

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0 votes
2 answers
Paratext Feb 14, 2020 asked by anon551026 (105 points)
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2 answers
Paratext Feb 8, 2020 asked by anon441267 (111 points)
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3 answers
Paratext Feb 4, 2020 asked by Paul (611 points)
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5 answers
Paratext Feb 3, 2020 asked by JohnBrownie (278 points)
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1 answer
Paratext Feb 3, 2020 asked by n8_in_car (282 points)
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2 answers
Paratext Jan 31, 2020 asked by TSNgaihte (199 points)
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0 answers
0 votes
1 answer
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6 answers
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2 answers
0 votes
5 answers
Paratext Jan 27, 2020 asked by Paul (611 points)
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3 answers
Paratext Jan 24, 2020 asked by Iver Larsen (869 points)
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1 answer
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3 answers
Paratext Jan 22, 2020 asked by anon015155 (153 points)
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3 answers
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Jan 17, 2020 asked by Iver Larsen (869 points)
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Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need.
1 Timothy 5:3
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