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Someone tried to make me an administrator of a project. The project does now appear in the list of projects for send/receive and I was able to download it, but when I open the User Permissions for the project I am not in the list of users and the Add User button is greyed out. I also can’t edit the text in the project.

What is happening?

Thanks for your help.


Paratext by (153 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

He must have done a S/R, otherwise I would not have had access to the project at all.
This is what I see in terms of user permissions:

I’m not in that list at all and that seems weird since the project does appear in my send/receive list.

by (153 points)

When I look at the TNNVN project in the registry, it shows Diethlem as an administrator. I suspect the other admin added you to the project but has not done a send/receive. Paratext 9 can communicate changes in users and roles directly to the registry, so it looks like in this case the list of users in the project is not up to date with the registry. I’m surprised you don’t see a notice from Paratext that the project user list is out of date and it is showing you the one from the registry.

I think the answer is to have the other administrator do a send/receive.

I also had this problem this week with a project. I submitted a bug report. Like here, the assumption is s/r was not done - but that is not the problem. Something else is going on. In this case we were both using version

Two days ago a consultant was doing remote support with a person and was trying to share a project but after multiple S/R, deleting and adding users on the admin side, the same thing happened. The user was able to do S/R of the project but the user menus did not match. Via the remote support session he confirmed that the user lists did not match… and did not give an error message on either machine that the list did not match the registry.

In both cases the person being added was being added as an administrator.

This kind of behavior can happen when there are two projects with the same name. If you have project with the same name try moving it off of you computer and do the send and receive again.

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Did the person who made you an admin do a S/R?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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