0 votes

It was working, but stopped during lockdown.
No sign of malware or viruses. Scans negative.

Reset settings, and uninstalled/reinstalled. That didn’t help.
Tried both 9.0.103.x and 9.1.100.x, both crashed the same.

Only one win7 system crash in event log. No messages about corruption. Error message below.

Paratext by (1.2k points)

9 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

ok this error occurs for one of 3 reasons.

  1. mozglue.dll can’t be found.
  2. mozglue.dll dependencies can’t be found.
  3. mozglue.dll isn’t the right arch. (eg. it’s 32bit and Paratext.exe is in 64 bit mode)

Your screen shot shows that mozglue.dll can locate it’s dependencies. (missing deps has been the cause of previous errors like this), so (2) is ruled out.

So either (1) or (3) is the issue. (or I guess a different problem I’m not aware of).

  1. debugging mozglue.dll can’t be found.

Paratext uses SetDllDirectory to allow finding the firefox dlls.
In order to bypass the need for this, copy (not move) all the files
from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\Firefox
into: C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\

this should mean that they exist next to Paratext.exe, which is a default location to look for dlls.
Alternatively one could add “C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\Firefox” to the PATH environment var, which would do a similar thing.

  1. confirming mozglue.dll arch matches Paratext.exe run mode.

I would use corFlags.exe to tell me about Paratext.exe:

CorFlags.exe “c:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\Paratext.exe”
Microsoft ® .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool. Version 3.5.30729.1
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version : v4.0.30319
CLR Header: 2.5
PE : PE32
CorFlags : 3
32BIT : 1
Signed : 0

The “32Bit : 1” flag tells me that this Paratext.exe runs in 32bit mode.

Another way of checking is, when Paratext is , open taskmanager and find the Paratext process. On my win 10 system at least it says : “Paratext (32bit)”

As for your mozglue.dll I can already see from that depends.exe screen shot you posted that it is 32bit, as It contains entry point “??0ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QAE@XZ”
While the 64bit entry point is “??0ConditionVariableImpl@detail@mozilla@@QEAA@XZ”

Now if Paratext is in 32bit mode, and Paratext.exe still can’t find mozglue.dll when it’s next to Paratext.exe then I’m out of ideas…

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

  1. copied all Firefox folder files to paratext9 folder, still crashed.
  2. corflags.exe gave me the same results as you for paratext.exe in paratext 9 folder. so 32 bit.
0 votes

Try the instructions in this post.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Those instruction were for paratext 8. Since xul.dll now depends on VCRUNTIME140.dll

The file to check for would be:


and the link for the installer would be https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads

Whoops, good catch.

0 votes

Adding note regarding “Gecko” crashes.
Sot it can be searched for crash messages.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

Installed x86/x64 for 2015-2019 from link above,
Also installed a few month old x86/x64 for 2013.
Stil crashing.
c:\windows\system32\VCRUNTIME140.DLL is v14.24.28127.4

Then also installed a few month old x86/x64 for 2012.
Stil crashing.

Any other ideas?

by (1.2k points)
0 votes
  1. confirm that this file exists:

C:\program files (x86)\paratext 9\firefox\mozglue.dll

  1. Download (from https://dependencywalker.com/)
    And extract the zip file.

  2. Run depends.exe (from the extracted zip file)

  3. Open C:\program files (x86)\paratext 9\firefox\mozglue.dll in depends.exe
    (one can either use the file menu or drag the file in)

Note - some reported errors while opening this file are expected. (just click ok on the message box)

  1. Press “Ctrl-W” to collapse all.

  2. In the top left pane expand (click the plus) on the left" C:\program files (x86)\paratext 9\firefox\mozglue.dll" line.

The expected output should look something like this:


(it may vary slightly due to OS differences, but what we want to know is that mozglue.dll depends on the expected dlls and can load its dependencies (eg. MSVCP140.dll))

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

C:\program files (x86)\paratext 9\firefox\mozglue.dll is present (v60.0.0.6809)

If there are multiple steps, please give as many as possible at a time. They are not at our office and travel takes time. I am experienced programmer, so tools like this are easy.

0 votes

Assuming crashed means that the same 0x8007007E error still displays on startup.

I guess it would be good to confirm that paratext9 works on other windows 7 machine? @sewhite do you know if it does? (I haven’t had access to a win7 machine for a long time)

clutching at straws:

I would try copying VCRUNTIME140.dll and MSVCP140.dll into C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9.

I would also try paratext.exe directly from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 9\ folder instead of using the short cut. (just to ensure the CWD is correct)

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

Yes it is still 8007007E.

There is a Win7 laptop sitting right next to it, that is working fine with PT9.

I think the working Win7 laptop causes the translator to doubt me when I tell him I could fix it if he let me upgrade to Win10.

I have had similar problems with Win7 & PT9 before 3-4 times, and ended up fixing them by upgrading to Win10. I might be able to fix it by reinstalling Win7, but why when I can install Win10.

I think Paratext 9 works on Windows 7. We have a report that someone with Windows 7 cannot download enhanced resources, because Windows 7 cannot create the SSL/TLS connection to the enhanced resource server. That user is not reporting crashes. (PTXS-22856 if you want the details).

0 votes

Yes we run six laptops with Paratexe 9 on Windows 7. To get it to run do did have to patch Win 7 to the newest patches and then install vcredist_x64 (Visual C++ 2015 Runtime).

I also just installed in on a virtual machine a few weeks ago. The virtual machine is bare bones with only the Win 7 updates and Visual C++2015 Runtime.

However the Visual C++ file I used is not the same as the one you used. Not sure if that makes a difference, but I did save the file in case you want the version I have.

We never did get the SSL/TLS issue to work. So we just download the enhanced resources from a win 10 machine and email the updated files to each other.

by (238 points)

I would like to know what version Visual C++2015 Runtime you are using. Maybe a google drive link if possible.


0 votes

The version I have is 14.0.23026.
I uploaded the file to this link if you need it.


by (238 points)
0 votes

Upgraded to Win10, all is resolved.

by (1.2k points)

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