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User is complaining of empty results for search in help window. I had them reset the PT9 Settings.
I have not seen the laptop yet, any suggestions/ideas?

Paratext by (1.2k points)

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At computer now. Win7 SP1. OS freshly installed a month ago.
Search bar just shows “searching…”, but never does anything else.
Opening help and doing a search works fine.

PT9 only installed, no PT8.
Did uninstall and re-install. problem still exists.
Submitted feedback. PTXS-22876.

by (1.2k points)

From looking at the problem report, it looks like there is a bug in the program keeping it from working.

I know it seems strange, but you should be able to work around the problem by closing the Biblical Terms Renderings window. :smile:

FR, While a work around, that would be a painful one if you need that window open.
I can ask them to try that. Though it works on my system with that window open.

The workaround worked. Thanks

That’s interesting. Was the Renderings window on the problem machine hidden (either in auto-hide or in a non-active tab)? If so, it might work to show it first before doing the help search.

I had this problem last year and then it went away, but it has just resurfaced with 9.2. The workaround still works–i.e. the Biblical Terms Renderings window either needs to be closed or refreshed (since it’s hidden when this problem occurs).

Is this a still active bug, or is this a new problem? Should I submit a bug report?

0 votes

In the “Search menus/help” box, type “bible” (without the quote marks and without pressing the Enter key). Within 3 seconds, several topics should appear.

If the problem you are having is NOT due to pressing the Enter key, I suggest using “Give feedback” via the Help menu.

by [Expert]
(734 points)

Hi anon421222, That is what we are doing. Type in a single word and wait, no enter key… I waited 20+ sec.
The same word brought up results on another system. I did submit, Thanks.

0 votes

Unfortunately, it has not been fixed yet. :worried:
There isn’t a reason to submit a new report as it just hasn’t risen high enough in the priority list. I’ll put a comment in the report that says you are still having the issue.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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