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This is a weird one.
A user recently installed Pathway 1.17.6 for the purposes of printing out a draft dictionary with FLEx 8.
He then noticed that he was not able to do s\r with PTx 8 He got the “Paratext could not connect to the Internet Server or lost it’s connection to the Internet Server” message.
Verified Firewall settings were set to allow Paratext internet access
Verified that we could get to https://archives.paratext.org/send_receive_server/api80/listrepos
Verified that the internet setting was set to allow all internet settings

The only thing left to try was uninstalling pathway 1.17.6 as s\r worked prior to the pathway install.
S\R worked as soon as Pathway (Pathway, Calibre and Prince) was uninstalled.
Reinstalled Pathway and after a restart, S\R didn’t work.
Uninstalled Pathway and S\R worked. S\R continued to work after restart of computer.

I’ve never had a problem with pathway being installed and s\r not working in Paratext (I have it installed on my computer). Any ideas?

The user’s computer is a Win10 machine and his internet was working fine.

Paratext by (476 points)

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