Thanks to anon291708 for solving the “mystery of the gap”.
I have a different but related issue:
On my computers I am using two screens each, to run PT and other need-a-lot-of-space programs etc. Not at the same time of course.
I found help and adapted a nice AutoIt-Script to pull my very-full PT window over two entire full-HD screens.
But on the office computer, I always see that ghastly gap. On my own computer (notebook with an external USB-secondary-screen) it works very nicely. Details about the script for those who ask, maybe in another thread.
In the script I position the PT-window at -8, -8 so that the “shadow gap thing” is off the screen where it belongs. On the office computer there is this “snapping” happening. And even when I turn off the snap in Windows > Settings > System > Multitasking > “docking or whatever it is called in English”, it still shows me the gap. I can edit into my script any value like x 0 or -8 or -1, I always get the same gap.
So after a long pre-amble: Where can I turn off the snapping which sabotages my script’s precise placing?
The line in my AutoIt looks like this, do not worry about -1544, here on my own machine the external screen counts as “off-to-the-left” and I got 125% zoom for my old eyes:
(setting x, y, width and height of the PT window)
Any ideas welcome. Need more space to zoom that Greek stuff…