0 votes

I have a team with a laptop that stopped booting today. I tried to repair it this afternoon with no success.
Tomorrow I need to move the un-synched PT8 work to a new system so they can continue while I am working on it.
They have a spare system with PT8 already installed.

My Plan:

  1. Change the PT8 registration on the spare system to the one from the laptop.
  2. S/R the projects for the new user.
  3. Close PT8
  4. Copy the Project folder (from My Paratext 8 Projects) from the old HD to the same folder on the spare system
  5. S/R un-synched changes.

Will this work? If not, how should I do it?

Paratext by (1.2k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

There should be no reason to do #2 as you would just be overwriting it with #4. This means it should be much simpler:

  1. Change the PT8 registration on the spare system to the one from the laptop.
  2. Copy the Project folder (from My Paratext 8 Projects) from the old HD to the same folder on the spare system
  3. Start Paratext and S/R un-synched changes.

There shouldn’t be any issues doing those steps.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


+1 vote

Forgot to mention that if the spare machine already has that same project on it, it would be best to delete the project folder before you copy over the new one. This will keep any previously-deleted files from returning and should also prevent the unlikely case where merging the files of the Mercurial repositories creates a corrupted result.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Yes, I was planning on that, thanks for checking.

0 votes

Worked great! Thanks!

by (1.2k points)

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