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Is Pathway supported through this site? If not, where is support offered? Where can I submit bug reports and feature requests?

It’s an SIL product (presumably not a joint project with UBS, right?), but it’s not listed at the SIL Software support site (aka Scripture Software Community, https://community.scripture.software.sil.org/ ).

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
by (630 points)

Shouldn’t there be a link to there from the Pathway homepage (https://software.sil.org/pathway/)? How else would anyone find the support page???

Is there a reason why Pathway is not listed on https://community.scripture.software.sil.org/ ?

0 votes

At the top of the Pathway Home page is a tab for “Support”

by (8.4k points)

Sorry, missed that!

I don’t often use the SIL pages, and I tend to assume that the uppermost horizontal row of links is for navigating the site as a whole rather than subsections of the current topic. It seems like a lot of websites work like that.

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