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Can someone explain to me why the OK button is not lighting up when I try and create this project? I am the administrator of the LTT project, the base of the daughter project I am trying to create.

I have TECkit convertor of my own to try along with the built Arabic to Latin convertor chosen in the picture.


Paratext by (148 points)

1 Answer

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Are you connected to the Internet? (In the screenshot, it looks like there is an issue with the network in the VM.)

If you allow Paratext to connect to the Internet and it isn’t working, you might get into that situation.
Where it says “Registration:”, there should be some information beside it detailing that the project will inherit its registration from the base project. I think the only way it would not show that is if there was an error when trying to contact the Registry for the license information of the base project.

If you want to test this, you should be able to disallow Paratext from connecting to the Internet (in Tools > Options) and try again.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Thanks! I will try it again as before

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