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A user has Paratext running in a virtual Windows machine on his Mac. He says he cannot select text in Paratext and paste it into his Mac apps, nothing copies over. Has anyone else seen this problem? He has set VirtualBox to permit sharing the clipboard.

Paratext by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

This may be obvious, but has he verified that he CAN copy out of other Windows programs and paste on the Mac side? This will narrow it to a PT problem or a general VirtualBox problem.

If he can copy out of other Windows programs into Mac ones, can he copy out of PT and into the Windows side?

by (1.8k points)

Yes, he can copy from other Windows programs to his Mac side, and he can paste Paratext text into another Windows program and then copy/paste that to the Mac side. So he is not stuck, just wondering what the issue might be.

0 votes

Copying PT text to my Mac works fine, but I use Parallels not VirtualBox.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

Can he check whether the behaviour is the same with Paratext 7 and Paratext 8? I was surprised by Paratext 8’s refusal to allow very much to be (selected) copied and pasted from resources. There could be some other related effect or difference.

by (506 points)

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