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Before the new way to copy a project with its history, I think the best practice for creating a copy of a project (without the history) was to back up a project and then restore it under a new name.

This was an reliable way of creating a personal copy of a shared project. You might want to do this to create a scratch project in order to play with Search-and-Replace in a safe environment; or to test the use of rights that you have not been granted by the administrator of the shared version of the text*.

But when I tried to do this today, I got this error when trying to restore from the backup:

What does this error mean? How can I create a copy of the project?

* I want to take a screenshot of the Interlinearizer so a colleague can see how our language uses multiple suffixes. But I have been demoted to Observer on the project, so I can’t choose the correct glosses of the words in the IL.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

That should still work. I’d try backing up the project to a different zip file and see if that one does work. Maybe there was a file error in this particular zip file.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
0 votes

As @sewhite said, this should still work. If you can’t get another backup, could you please e-mail me the file so we can look at what is going on?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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