Recent questions in Paratext

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1 answer
Paratext Sep 9, 2020 asked by anon318824 (102 points)
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4 answers
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0 answers
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2 answers
Paratext Sep 8, 2020 asked by anon049395 (128 points)
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1 answer
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1 answer
Paratext Sep 3, 2020 asked by anon818964 (147 points)
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3 answers
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3 answers
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1 answer
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7 answers
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2 answers
Paratext Aug 26, 2020 asked by anon932103 (133 points)
+1 vote
2 answers
Paratext Aug 23, 2020 asked by anon845828 (137 points)
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Aug 18, 2020 asked by anon084515 (116 points)
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Aug 18, 2020 asked by jeffh (1.3k points)
0 votes
2 answers
0 votes
4 answers
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1 Corinthians 3:16
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