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We have a number of different note tags with individual templates. When I insert a note then it will always default to the top “To Do Tag” and then I need to scroll to the correct tag for that particular note.
Is there a way assign shortcuts to specific note tags so I can skip the scrolling step and instead open to the correct tag with a keyboard shortcut?

Paratext by (252 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Hi anon233143

It would be great if this was possible. I’m having the same problem. As a workaround I have just written a short script in AutoHotkey (which is running on my system all the time anyway). It seems to work but I haven’t extensively tested it. Here it is:

#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode, 1

#If WinActive(“Paratext”)
; Shift+Ctrl+x Create Note with Tag xx
WinWait, Note,
IfWinNotActive, Note, , WinActivate, Note,
WinWaitActive, Note,
MouseClick, left, 59, 39
Sleep, 100
MouseClick, left, 59, 173
Sleep, 100

I recorded the first version of this with AutoScriptWriter, then edited it. You should be able to create several versions of this and adjust the MouseClick coordinates accordingly.

I hope this will be helpful.


by (232 points)
0 votes

Hi rfkvg, nice to hear from you. Thanks for the tip about using AutoHotkey. I never used this before but will certainly look into it.

by (252 points)
0 votes

I like rfkvg’s idea of using AutoHotkey but if there were a native Paratext keyboard shortcut that would be really nice.

by (169 points)

I have already suggested it to the Paratext folks as a feature for one of the next updates. I think if enough people support this, they might add it in the future.

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