Recent questions in Paratext

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0 answers
Paratext Feb 23, 2017 asked by [Expert]
(733 points)
0 votes
1 answer
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0 answers
Paratext Feb 23, 2017 asked by [Expert]
(733 points)
0 votes
0 answers
Paratext Feb 23, 2017 asked by [Expert]
(733 points)
0 votes
1 answer
Paratext Feb 23, 2017 asked by [Expert]
(733 points)
+1 vote
0 answers
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0 answers
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0 answers
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3 answers
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0 answers
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0 answers
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0 answers
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6 answers
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0 answers
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0 answers
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1 answer
Paratext Feb 23, 2017 asked by [Expert]
(733 points)
Welcome to Support Bible, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community.
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.
Romans 15:5
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