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I try to migrate from 7.5 to 8 in in Kuvi project. I try to follow the steps in proper way. I was able to register the project successfully. There is a notification coming like To match the registry, the Project will be changed from “Kuvi (eng)” to Kuvi (eng-Orya-IN)".
Now My problem is I am not able to migrate. When I am try it says _The Paratext 7 copy of Kii has some changes that have not been saved in to Paratext history. You need to do a final send/receive for this project in Paratext 7 before doing the migration. Even I did it two, three times still it is showing same. How can I migrate to 8.

Paratext by (162 points)

1 Answer

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Just verifying - are you doing your S/R in Paratext 7 to the Internet?

by (8.0k points)

Yes I have done it in Internet. still it show the same.

Please try Project > Mark Point in Project History for the Kuvi project inside Paratext 7 instead of doing a S/R. This is generally not recommended because you will be the only one with the uncommitted changes, but since you’re doing a migration, this should be fine.

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