0 votes

I have successfully registered myself on the registry website and received my registration code. Now I am attempting to use my account to register another user (who doesn’t have an email address). It looks like it’s possible to do this in the registry website in the “users” tab. The registration process completes successfully, accepting that user’s PT7 registration code, then it says it is sending the PT8 registration code to my email address, but I didn’t receive it. After waiting one day for the code I went back to the website, found that user and clicked generate code. Again it said it was sending the code to my email and again I didn’t receive it.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there a bug?

Paratext by (119 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

I've contacted the Registry administrator and it definitely looks like a bug. He's working on it. :slight_smile:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Have you checked your spam folder?

by (346 points)

yes, I checked my spam folder.

I contacted the Registry administrator and he said:

He had requested membership of an organisation, but the membership wasn’t approved yet. He won’t normally get a registration code until the membership is approved.

He also said that you can force the creation of a registration code (as you did by clicking on Generate Code), but you need to be aware that doing that creates a code without an organization (which will restrict what can be done in Paratext) and that the generated code will be invalidated if/when the request to join the organization is approved.

0 votes

Thanks for the help. I’m now contacting the organisation to see if they will approve membership.

by (119 points)
0 votes

You should be able to get a temporary license for this user. It will only come with the public domain resources, but if you share the translation project with him then he can still edit the project.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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