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I have administrative rights on a transliteration project. I have editing rights on all books. Editing enabled is grayed out but that is normal.

When I try to update the transliteration I get the error: User does not have permission to edit.

I have another transliteration project on my system that updates just fine.

There was a user with admin rights that had permission to edit books. I tried to remove their permissions but could not using the normal PT interface. So I removed them from the project and then added them back again. They then appeared to have lost editing rights.

But the project will still not update.

Any ideas what the issue is? Is there a setting I am missing. is some file corrupted?

Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

It’s hard to know what the problem is without looking at your project. If the projects (base and transliteration) are on the S/R server, could you give us the names (if they aren’t sensitive)?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Hi anon291708,
I am sorry I decided to just create a new project since there is not any real work done on a transliteration project anyways (except for perhaps notes).
The new project (srNSPt0) is fine.

If you want to look at the old project you can retrieve it from archives I suspect. The project name was/is srpBlbt1. It was linked to SrpBible. But like I say, I realized just creating a new project was a lot faster and easier than trying to fix the old one.

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