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I was just helping a user who’s project seems to be ignoring the line breaking rules. We have several projects using this same script and they are all having the same problem.

I took several screenshots of the problem.
I’m using the highlighted word as the example


This is the hyphenation information for that word. Paratext should not break this word in Print draft

But here is the word in Print draft (Highlighted yellow). It should not have broken at all.


This project is Paratext 9

Any ideas?
Thank you,

Paratext by (476 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


I don’t think Print Draft has ever worked acceptably for Khmer script. I recently tested in Paratext 9 and confirmed that there’s still an issue with Khmer words being broken at the end of the lines in the same manner as the Lao script you’ve posted.

by (586 points)

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