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I have a user who is trying to establish quotation rules like the Spanish rules using the em dash, as used in the Spanish Reina Valera 95 version.
In the Spanish version, a quote that goes to the end of the paragraph doesn’t get closed, ending the paragraph closes it by default. However, the Paratext 8 quotation rules will not allow me to put that there is no closer, and I don’t see a way to specify that a paragraph closes the quote, unless continued.
Anyone know a way around this, or have another suggestion?

Paratext by (418 points)

3 Answers

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This is the setup I use for the NVI Spanish, which uses the same system, I believe, as the RV.

Opening Continuers Closing
Quotes «|― » »|
Quotes in Quotes
Quotes in Quotes in Quotes

Continuer required at: p p/q1 b/q1 s1/q1 qa/q1 (etc.)

We use u+2015 for the quote dash (I use DBLChanges to change it to an em dash for the DBL)
You will get some errors that you will need to deny:

  • A Primary quotation mark was found when an Alternate quotation mark was expected: »
  • Quote opened - see following message for error:
  • Closing quote found without matching opening. Sometimes caused by missing continuers: »

Nevertheless, if you use this carefully you will be able to find errors.

by (1.8k points)
0 votes

Setting up rules like the Spanish can be very complicated and may not be able to catch all instances of the use of the em dash. However, the basic setup should could look like this for the first level:

“|— *none* ”|

In this case the first level is either a double quote or the em dash. The closer is either the matching close double quote or the end of the paragraph. Note the use of the | to separate the two types of first level quotation marker.

by (8.5k points)
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Thanks much anon848905,
From what I see, I can only specify a alternate ending, if I also specify an alternate starting quote as well. However, I only have one type of starting quote, and two ways of ending. So, I tried the following
—|— for opening, and —|none
for the closing, and it looks like it would work. Would that be the proper way to handle something like that?

by (418 points)

The goal is to be able to verify the quotations. If you can find the issues like that then it works, but I have my doubts about whether or not it will work well. How do you determine that sometimes it should end and sometimes it shouldn’t? Often when working with the quotation rules there is a process of trial and error.

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