+2 votes

Only the official logo for Paratext will capitalize the TE as a tribute to Fieldworks Translation Editor, whose functionality has been merged with Paratext. For all textual references to the software, the prioritization committee has decided that we will continue to refer to the software in the lowercase Paratext.

Paratext by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Note that in 8.0, Paratext no longer has a capital TE even on the splash screen or in Help > About.

Going forward, I think it will appear less and less with the capital TE as it was discovered that no one on the original Translation Editor team liked the capital TE. :innocent:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Now if we could only fix that logo … :slight_smile:

It’s also still there in the screens that are displayed during a software update.

0 votes

With all due respect to PPC decision, I like to continue to use TE capitalized. I interpret the capitalized TE in ParaTExt as the team’s commitment to keep the interface and editing simpler for the end user, which was Translation Editor’s strength. I hope I’ll not offend anyone by doing this.

by (229 points)
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Acts 2:46-47
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