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One useful thing in the Give Feedback or Report a Problem dialog is the report includes a Paratext log file which often indicates some more detail about what happened.

But if Paratext suddenly shuts down, or Windows says it has stopped working, if you restart Paratext and submit a problem report, the Paratext log probably will not include the events when Paratext stopped, because it likely exited before it had a change to save the log file.

So if you want to report a crash or sudden exit, here’s how you can give us more technical information.
In Windows, there is a program called Event Viewer. You can search for it in the Start menu.

Once Event viewer opens, open the “WIndows Logs” folder on the left and select Application.

Now look through the list in the middle for something labeled “Error” and see if it mentions Paratext.
This example shows an event from Paratext.

To copy the information to send us, right click on the item, choose “Copy > Copy details as text” then paste that into your problem report.

Paratext by [Expert]
(3.1k points)


1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

For people coming across this, it is actually almost always the case where the error information we need is stored in the error with Source “.NET Runtime” instead of the Source “Application Error” that is shown in the screenshots.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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