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I'm looking for an easy way to help Indonesian teams spell check their back translation so that it will be more searchable for them.

@LivingField posted a reply to a question asking how to spell-check an English / French / Spanish back translation, saying that you can copy a file called SpellingStatus.xml into the back translation project folder.

Does anyone have a good SpellingStatus.xml containing the words from their Indonesian back translation?

Or is there a quick way to generate one? In our Indonesian back translation project most of the words are already spelled correctly. I can probably find and correct the misspelled ones relatively easily using the spell checking tool, but it would take a long time to click the check marks of all the other ones.
Paratext ago by (102 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Someone else will need to comment about an approved list of Indonesian works.

You can approve blocks of words in the Wordlist by selecting the first word and then scrolling down, then hold shift and click on the last word in the block you want to approve. You should be able to click the green check mark to approve the words (or use the shortcut or menu). This should put a check mark on each word in the block.
ago by (8.4k points)
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Acts 2:46-47
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