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I have a user (Loubeta Miclo) who is Administrator on a project NCV (Note Conseiller pour Vérification), a project he created and registered, but may have never done a Send/Receive. The computer that had that project died, and now he has a new computer and would like to start using this NCV project, but it doesn’t show up in the Send/Receive list. How can he start working on this project again, even if the project is empty? I assume if he creates a new project, he won’t be able to use the same registration that is already up on the Registry. Or would it be best to delete that registration on the registry and start from scratch?

Paratext by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

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It would be best to just delete the registration and start over - I did confirm that the project is not on the S/R server.

We don’t have a way to create a project based on a registration.

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