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With PT Lite I tried to perform an Internet S/R to start work on 2 projects (one fairly large, one very small). I was able to perform this same S/R on another device without a problem, but in this case the Internet was quite slow, and I was obligated to break to connection. Now when I try to perform the S/R again on this device for one or both of these projects, after just a short time I get the error:

“Send/Receive did not complete for: {project name}”

Is there some “garbage” left around somewhere on this Android device that needs to be cleaned up to allow me to perform this S/R? I tried to find something in Android/data, but I can’t even find a ptlite folder there.

A quick response would be appreciated as I’m hoping to demo this tomorrow!

Paratext Lite by (1.4k points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

Hi jeffh,

If you haven’t already could you send feedback/problem report from inside of Paratext Lite.

I suppose it possible, that Paratext Lite didn’t clean correctly after the cancel, and the left some data, than prevent subsequent S/R. Although it hard for a user to access this data, as it private to the Paratext Lite app.

Then the easiest way to reset, is to uninstall the app, then reinstall it. This removes ALL Paratext Lite data. You will have to reenter reg code.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
0 votes

I sent a problem report, PTLS-163. I was able to demo with a different project last week, and I now have the work-around proposed above: uninstall the app and start from scratch. I’ll just make sure the Internet is going well and I have a good bit of time before I try again! Thanks.

by (1.4k points)

Removing and reinstalling PT Lite does not help in my case. I can see the list of existing projects from the S/R server, but when trying to install any, I only get this “did not complete” error.

I am using a Samsung A50 with Android 10. Is there perhaps other tricks I might try out?

0 votes

Using the in app way of reporting problems,

Main menu -> More… -> Submit feedback…

provides us with a log file. This might provide more information about the the problem.

Also if you private message me the name of your project I could a least see if it works on one of our test devices.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

I submitted feedback. It is interesting that the problem occurs only with my phone. With a Lenovo tablet I am using, everything is fine…

We have a fix, that is currently being tested internally, if all goes well, we anticipate releasing a beta update today.

Hello, I have just posted the update to Beta which I think will solve your send / receive problem. If you would like to receive the update ahead of the full release schedule, you can have access to that if you join up to receive the Beta releases by clicking this link Beta link

0 votes

It seems S/R doesn’t work on android 10 / Q devices.

We are currently working to determine the exact cause.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)


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