0 votes

I’m trying to use a software that displays a lexicon of Paratext Interlinearizer.

However, both Glossy and Glossinator (for Paratext 8) are not working properly. When Glossy (go.bat) is executed, nothing is displayed on the screen. Glossinator 8.exe does not run at all.

I wonder how I can get these programs to work properly.

Paratext by (109 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

It’s possible to get Glossy to work but it requires a bit of help.

  1. Download and extract Glossy. (extracts to Glossy-1.2 folder)
  2. Open glossy.py in text editor and change line 91 from:
    myParatextProjects = ‘C:\My Paratext Projects\’
    myParatextProjects = ‘C:\My Paratext 9 Projects\’
  3. You need python installed on your system.
    I used python 2.7 (I didn’t try python 3)
  4. glossy assumes chrome is installed at a particular location, so the bat file might not work so:
    Open a command prompt.
    cd to the folder you extracted glossy.
    In my case cd %USERPROFILE%\Documents\glossy-1.2
    Run the glossy.py script:
    c:\Python27\python.exe %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Glossy-1.2\glossy.py
    Press Ctrl-C when it’s done.
    Run chrome to show the results:
    "c:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files display_glossies.html

And the output will look something like:

by [Moderator]
(2.2k points)


Looks like I somehow download an older version. 1.2.
So the instructions I provided were due that older version.

0 votes

Thanks for this helpful set of instructions hindlemail. I decided to have a go myself, but soon found that several things had to be changed to get the various .bat files and python scripts to work (esp with Python 3). And I’m not there yet… but almost!

Everything seems to work until I open display_glossies.html in Chrome. Then I see this:

I can select a project, but then nothing happens. There’s obviously a piece missing somewhere, but it isn’t obvious to me. My glossy folder is filled with XYZ_Lexicon.xml files, but none of them display.

I used this command to start Chrome and show the page, and hoped that it would make it work, but still nothing…
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-file-access-from-files "%CD%\display_glossies.html"

Where else can I dig? My hope is to get it working and then share the updated version (albeit with hardcoded paths etc.) so that others don’t need to go through the same pain.

by (2.5k points)
I got it going today. I can confirm that for my default Chrome and for my default Firefox I did not need to tweak anything about "allowing file access". A simple double-click or right-click plus open-with did the trick.

I got from the readme that we want to open the files ending  xhtml, those are working for me.
0 votes

Thanks for the replies. Python 3.7 is installed on my computer. Glossy 1.5.1 downloaded from the LingTranSoft site does not run on Python 3. I’ll be waiting for the program to be upgraded to a program running on Python 3.
Please let me know when it becomes available. Thank you.

by (109 points)

I've finally got around to updating glossy for Python3 and Paratext 9.

I'd love it if you could test it. Tested on my Mac (Intel) and Windows (10, 64 bit) environments. There are some sample lexicons you can download so you can see what it is supposed to do.

+1 vote

Very sorry about poor support. I've largely rewritten glossy for Paratext 9 and Python 3. I've finally got around to updating glossy for Python3 and Paratext 9.

I'd love it if you could test it. Tested on my Mac (Intel) and Windows (10, 64 bit) environments. There are some sample lexicons you can download so you can see what it is supposed to do.

by (500 points)
I got an error when trying to unzip the glossy download.
Error 0x80070057:
Issue 47416 - chromium.
It seemed to fail this one step and would not proceed.
I finally took some time to test it: It works!!!

I am on a WIN 10 pro, 64 bit, running PT9.4

1. Pulled the zip file from Github and unzipped
2. Nothing worked, so I first had to tidy-up all my old Python versions; install the lastest (3.13); do the paths; and pip install lxml for the freshest Python (I got that hint from the readme).
3. Then I got some results but no output
4. I had to tweak the script  glossy9.py in several locations for my situation:

line 27: I put my custom folder (did nothing, seems only line 29 is being used)

line 29: I added my custom folder, paying attention for the special windows-syntax (was helpful to have those default-examples)

line 30: I swapped in our project code

line 34: I spliced-in our project code, replacing the hardcoded AHS

line 35: I spliced-in our project code, replacing the hardcoded AHS

line 73: I replaced "/" by "\\" since working on Windows

That was all I had to tweak, took a while to figure it out, but the script is well enough structured, so nothing deep, very reasonable for a free tool that you wrote for yourself.

As output, I got <our-project-code>_Lexicon.xhtml in the folder with the provided sample lexicons. It seems to work well in my Chrome and in my Firefox with mainly using default-settings for my browsers.

The project in question has got two interlinear-setups, one in French, one in English. The Glossy did not mind, is outputting the multiple entries grouped-together according to source-language. Very nice this. It feels great, seeing all the work that went into those interlinear-projects as accessible by alphabet "in one place".

So in general, I am delighted that I got this going, after years of on-and-off hearing about it. If ever I find some time, I will spy into some of the details of "how you done it" and will learn for my own ideas. Thank you muchly for sharing this!
One detail is not working yet for our project: I can double-click the search-box and it does change the display of entries: The all get displayed right-aligned and the search-box turns red. But the sorting does not happen by the end of words, it rather stays the same, sorting by the classic beginning of words.

This is not a complaint, just feedback. I am still enjoying this tool.

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