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There appear to be two obstacles to using the interlinearizer to create a Back Translation of the Glossary.

(1) The Glossary doesn’t have verse numbers. However, verse numbers can be temporarily added for breaking up the text for purposes of interlinearization, then removed.

(2) Even with verse numbers added, the interlinearizer tool doesn’t work in GLO. I’m guessing this is because there is no appropriate model text. But there’s no way of telling. There’s no error. The tool opens but won’t go past 1:0 (chapter 1, verse 0), even as I navigate through verses (in both the project text and the corresponding BT text).

Hack: After adding verse markup to the Glossary, I can copy the GLO text into some chapter of Scripture that hasn’t be translated yet. (Our glossary has 82 entries right now, so I chose Numbers 7, a nice long chapter.) The interlinearizer now works (but in NUM). I can interlinearize the glossary, copy the results from NUM to the GLO book of the BT, then remove verse numbers - and delete NUM.

But is there a non-hacky way to do this? It would be nice for the interlinearizer to do two things: (1) treat \k like a verse in GLO so that we don’t have to add verse numbers, and (2) actually work in the GLO book.

Paratext by (290 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

In Paratext 7 and 8, in the extra books, chapter and verse numbers worked mostly as they did in the normal books of scripture. There were problems, but you could navigate using chapter and verse numbers, both for the interlinearizer and for the same extra book in another language, such as translating a tract/story book, etc, from one language (eg.English or Lozi) to another, with the interlinearizer producing the glosses that could then be exported to a back translation document. If you to the end of a chapter and were trying to go to the next verse, it would not go to the next chapter, but choosing the next chapter in the tool bar would go there. This worked without any model text. In Paratext 9, this “feature” (if it was a feature) seems to have been broken. It would useful is this could be restored.

by (136 points)
+1 vote

I was told once that there is no support for verse numbers in the glossary or extra books (like XXA). It would also be a big help for our team if we could use the interlinearizer to back translate these books without adding verse numbers.

by (1.2k points)
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