The Key Terms of the OT (KTOT) is supposed to be a resource that you have to install manually for the moment. (See How Do I Install and Update the KTOT File - Paratext). For several years our French-speaking colleagues in Africa have seen this resource appear all by itself (maybe on major version Paratext installations?), but we have had to tell them to remove it (move the KTOT.p8z file out of the _Dictionaries folder), because when it is there, the Trilingual Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament (THLOT) didn’t show up (when you right-click on a Hebrew lexeme).
I was just trying to do some testing, and my THLOT was showing up, even though KTOT.p8z was in the _Dictionaries folder, but the KTOT was not showing up in the lexeme right-click. Well that KTOT was older anyway, so I downloaded the latest from the link above (KTOTSLD.p8z) and put it in the _Dictionaries folder, as stated in the instructions. Same thing - Trilingual shows up but KTOT doesn’t. Just for kicks I tried renaming KTOTSLD to KTOT (what I had before and got rid of), but then when I started up Paratext, it said there was a problem with source tools, and I lost most of my source tools! I renamed it back and source tools are back, but I still have Trilingual but not KTOT.
So what in the world is going on? Our French-only speaking colleagues are happy with just trilingual, but those who speak English as well would like both. I know my wife has submitted bug reports (most recently earlier this month), but there still seem to be issues. I don’t know why there would be interactions between these two resources, but they appear to be ongoing.