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What is the order of the suggested glosses in the interlinearizer tool?

In other words, if you click a gloss and get the drop-down list, is the order just the order in which the various possible glosses happened to be chosen over the history of the project? It doesn’t look like it’s ordered by frequency, though that seems like it would be most logical.

Paratext by (1.8k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

The glosses appear in the list in the order in which they are approved. Here is a brief video describing how the order can be changed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-1eC90zW5M&index=1&list=PL3e7fqHIximoODBRd1GMcfZZ4GpcoGoQ7

WARNING: this involves editing a file outside of Paratext. Paratext should be closed before you attempt this and great caution should be used any time you edit a file outside of Paratext.

by (8.5k points)

Thank you. I had assumed that editing that file would cause the results the video shows, but doing that by hand seemed too time consuming (and subjective).

It would be nice if someone smarter than me could create a program–either within PT or external–which would edit that Lexicon.xml file based on frequency. I guess it would search the Interlinear_XX_XXX.xml files to extract frequency numbers.

0 votes

So is there a way to remove guessed glosses when some of them are obviously wrong?

by (1.8k points)
0 votes

The way to remove the guessed glosses is to replace them with the real glosses. Paratext should then learn the correct glosses.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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