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Is it a known limitation that certain words don’t show up in the word list? E.g. I have a footnote with an embedded cross-reference:

\f + \fr 7.38 \ft Elloŋ \+xt Kutubgeeco nabiinigee Esaya 58.11 ...\+xt*.\f*

This word Kutubgeeco is in the word list (14 times), but this reference does not show up in the list of examples, nor is it included in the word list count.

By contrast, if I search for the whole word Kutubgeeco in the text, it shows me all occurrences, including the 2 embedded in cross-references (16 in all).

Digging a little more, it looks like other words in this embedded cross-reference are also not included in the word list.

It seems to me that this is a bug, but maybe there’s a reason for it?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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I would say that the reason that the words in an \xt are not included is that they are handled by the Scripture Reference Settings.
If you went to the word list and decided that the word is incorrectly spelled, and fixed it - then the next time your ran a reference check you would have a bad reference. If you then went to the settings and saw that the word is supposed to be spelled a certain way you would fix it and the word would be misspelled again.
Maybe this could be considered a bug, but I can see why it is the way it is.

by (8.5k points)

It is more complicated that that. What you say is true for the book names, but not for any words that are specified in Scripture References > Extra Material. If you have misspelled words there, Wordlist will not flag them when they occur in scripture references. This includes not only words between \+xt …\+xt* but also all the other tags that PT checks as references.

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