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Is there a way to tell the word list filter to only find words “beginning with” or “ending with” or the like? For example, I want us to check “naha”, it’s very common in our target language as they have several common words spelled with those letters that differ only by the diacritics. We want to check they’ve spelled it right in each case. But if I search for “naha” in the project’s word list filter, it will find not only “naha” but any word containing that letter combination, which will include all possible suffixes and prefixes, compound words, and any random words that just happen to contain that letter combination. But that comes to 47 words in the target language. I just want to find “naha”, with no prefixes or suffixes - far fewer words than the 47 that the word list gives me. I know I can scroll down the list and find “naha” on there, but it would be nice to be able to narrow the word list down further so it shows only the words I want and not all the extra ones that just happen to contain those four letters. Is this possible? I couldn’t find an option for this but maybe I’m missing something.

Paratext by (196 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I do not have your data to fully understand your problem. Typing “naha” in the word filter should find all the words that begin with “naha”. There is a setting to find something at the end of words.

Go to the Wordlist menu Sort byEnd of word

Then type the character string you are looking for in the word filter. (I will use “aga”) for this data.

To have more control you will have to search using the normal Find function, then you can specify “Beginning of the word”, “End of the word” and “ignore diacritics”. you will have to jump to the verse to make any changes, but you would be able to see only words with “naha” at the beginning or the end of words. For even more control over the final list you would have to use RegexPal.

Unfortunately, the powerful searching features of Find are not also in the Wordlist tool. Might be a good feature request.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

I was hoping for better search features as in the Find tool. As I feared, there really are few search features in the word list. I will put it as a feature request when I have time to do so.

by (196 points)
0 votes

You can search in the Wordlist for the start/end of a word:

  • To search the start of a word: start:{TextToSearchFor}
  • To search the end of a word: end:{TextToSearchFor}
by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


That’s a very interesting possibility!

As far as I can see, this is not included in the Help info on the wordlist (topic “How do I find a specific word in the Wordlist?”) Perhaps it can be added there?

Another option, which is mentioned there, is the possibility to use regular expressions in the wordlist.


0 votes

You can use regular expressions in the filter text box. To find naha at the beginning of words type in the filter box:
to find it at the end type:

by (1.8k points)

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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