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I have now set up Users, Roles and Permissions for my standard translation project and its back translation project as they should be (I think).

But now I was quite surprised that I was able to make edits in the interlinearizer on another computer although this person doesn’t currently have permission to edit the actual text nor the back translation. (That person’s role is defined as Translator but both Editable Books and Other Permissions are currently set to None.)

I assume this is a bug, or might I be doing something wrong?

Any insights about this?



PS: In case this matters: On my own computer I’m Paratext [Phone Removed]or (in Windows 10 Pro) and the translator’s computer has package [paratext-8.0, 1.47]

Paratext by (234 points)

1 Answer

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The Interlinearizer does not have any specific permission associated with it, if a user has a role of Translator, they can edit the Interlinearizer. This is currently by-design.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
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