The other respondents have given you the best ways to change all the errors you currently have … but they haven’t answered your question as to why these and any future errors are not being flagged based on the choices in the Number Settings dialog box: the answer is that these choices do not generate spelling errors.
Instead, they are used for the Numbers check: Checking menu ➢ Run Basic Checks…; tick (check) the box next to Numbers (untick the other boxes), choose the range of books/chapters you want to check, and click OK.
You should get a list of numbers that don’t match the patterns you chose as valid.
You should probably remove “st nd rd th” from the “Ordinal” settings.
As you point out, “ordinal” is a rather Anglo-centric name for this field. One of the languages I work with has a suffix for “count numbers” – like “one of …”, “two of …”, etc.
You might consider changing the hyphen characters in Initial punctuation and Medial punctuation to a minus (−) (U+2212) and an en dash (–) (U+2013), respectively, since those are the standards used by many publishers – particularly for minus. Then you’d need to include them on your keyboard, e.g. on RightAlt+hyphen. This is what I’ve done for the projects I support – you can see that I’m happily typing en dashes as punctuation in this post
On the other hand, the traditional way to handle nice formatting is at publication time.