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Posting for user in Asia:

"Our language has a lot of reduplication and cases where the initial character of a word changes when a prefix is added.

I figured out how to handle reduplication and basic affixation in the Biblical Terms list thanks to the help info in PT. Does any one know how to get the spelling Wordlist tool to handle reduplication or do we just have to got through every reduplicated word and tell it the morphology of it? I.e. is there a way to tell it that if there is a word medial character, and the thing on both sides is the same, then this is reduplication."

Paratext by (219 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Paratext Help has a couple of entries on reduplication, and the guide for the word list tool also mentions it. It appears to involve using the wildcard symbol “&”.

Give it a try. If you can’t get it to work then post one or two examples and I am sure someone on this list will be able to get the details right to make it work.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

Thanks anon397352 for posting the initial question for me. The help docs were helpful in solving the reduplication problems for the Biblical terms list. I did enable the match by stems setting in the project properties.

The problem we have now is that when prefixes are added to stems, the initial letter of the stem merges with the prefix. For example

m- + peker = meker
ny +semboke = nyemboke.

How would I get the Wordlist and the Key terms list to handle cases like this without having to list the affixed form as a separate word?



by (155 points)

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Acts 1:14
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